New beginnings. I feel it. The focus used to be on work, but I don't really care about work anymore. Maybe I would had I still been working at my dream job, but I'm no longer focused at work. It's like I'm a robot and I just go in and do the work. Make no mistake, I still do the job to the best of my ability, I just don't care about it.
But I feel different somehow and I can't put my finger on it. I've sat here for well over 5 minutes trying to put my feelings into some type of categorie, and I can't do it.
Perhaps it's the reflective mood I find myself in at odd times of the day, or maybe the way I now care more about home, our home, than anything happening outside of it. I don't care about politics whether on the local or national level, nor on the world level for that matter.
Home is safe. It's a place I can be with my wife, Cindy, and be myself, my absolute self. No airs, no pretensions, no expectations...just...comfort. I've always felt that way, but now it's different somehow. We just passed our 28th anniversary, so I've always felt "comfortable" with her, but never like this.
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